Immigration and Health Insurance Requirements in Bermuda
Immigration Requirements
There are many different types of residence you can apply for in Bermuda. These types include:
Permission to reside and seek employment (includes seeking alternate employment)
Permission to reside and attend college/school
Dependant re-entry letter
Permission to reside on an annual basis
Permission to seek employment (residents only)
Renewal of permission to reside
Residential certificate holder
Spouse of Bermudian or Permanent Resident Certificate holder letter
To apply, you can be a new applicant, or have a specific Bermuda connection, or you can have one of the following:
an expiring or expired residential permission
a short-term work permit
an Entry/re-entry document or written permission from the Minister to reside in Bermuda.
You must also supply the following information:
Police certificate
Medical clearance (required for first-time residents)
Employment references
Character references
Required fee(s)
Passport size photos
Proof of Citizenship (passport)
Proof of Multi-entry Visa/Permanent Resident Card issued by USA, Canada or UK
Marriage certificate (if applicable)
Partner information (if applicable)
Birth certificate
Resume for applicant
Specific Bermuda connection (if applicable)
Financial support information (if applicant is seeking permission to reside including a sponsored dependent)
This official government link in Bermuda that
provides the most updated requirements:
Health Insurance Requirements in Bermuda
Health insurance is not mandatory in Bermuda, but the government strongly recommends that all residents have international health insurance priced in USD or EUR to guard against medical inflation and ensure access to local and overseas medical care
State Health Insurance System in Bermuda
Bermuda does not have a public healthcare system but offers a private healthcare system that is regulated by the Ministry of Health and Family Services and the Ministry of Finance. Bermuda is unique in the region by offering its own private health insurance plans, HIP and FutureCare which are provided by the Health Insurance Department.
The two plans offer dental benefits, doctor’s visits, in-patient and out-patient care at the hospital and overseas care.
Enrolment in the different plans is based on the age and benefit needs of the applicant.
The advantages of having AccessHMO Health Insurance membership in Bermuda
AccessHMO is much less expensive than both health insurance plans offered in Bermuda, especially for those over age 65. You’ll have the freedom to choose any licensed doctor or clinic in Bermuda, in the U.S. or Europe for follow up treatment.
Peace of mind in having solid Medical Evacuation coverage to, in case of medical emergency, fly to the nearest, more medically advanced facility in a nearby U.S. facility if necessary.
Access to private doctors and specialists including pediatrics
AccessHMO health insurance plans provide access to higher quality, English speaking medical facilities with board certified specialists.
Shorter waiting times for appointments and to schedule medical procedures
AccessHMO health insurance plans usually provide shorter waiting times for appointments and scheduling medical procedures. This saves our clients precious time to enjoy more of Bermuda.
Flexibility and Coordination
AccessHMO health insurance plans are tailored to the budget and needs of the individual clients which allows greater flexibility and choice of benefit and coverage levels.
In conclusion, while health insurance is not mandatory for residents in Bermuda, private health insurance offers greater coverage and benefits than SSB. It is important to compare different insurance options to find the plan that best fits your budget and needs.
AccessHMO’s licensed professionals stand ready to answer your questions and address your individual needs to find the most suitable health insurance plan with options such as medical evacuation from Belize for medical treatment back in the U.S. and also available for Canada or Europe.